Hellen Keller once said, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” To the person who just lost their limbs in battle, illness, or accident, the emotional pain of such loss is real. The loss...
Read More ›The short answer is yes! Bones density declines as we age. As a result, many individuals in their senior years experience complications caused by poor bone health. These symptoms, however, could be kept at bay or at the very least remedied...
Read More ›Dysphagia is the medical term for difficulties in swallowing. This condition can occur in any person, but mostly in children and seniors. If you or someone you know complains about swallowing difficulties, it’s wise to consult with your...
Read More ›Exercise is the foundation to a healthy life. If you are looking for a way to improve your health or maintain your lifestyle as you enter your golden years, it is crucial to consider doing more physical activities on a daily basis. There are...
Read More ›One of the best things you can do for your health is to get regular and proper sleep! Even though this is a basic part of our everyday lives, it has a huge impact on our health. In fact, this impact grows larger and larger with age. However,...
Read More ›As you advance through the years, you may begin noticing that the things you did not give a second thought about are slowly becoming more and more difficult to do on your own. Tasks, like using the bathroom, getting dressed, or even walking...
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